FICTION (stories):
PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED fiction only, please.
English language only, for now.
Up to 8,000 words (~ 20 pages). Please let us know how many words or pages you have. Don't lie, you liar.
Acceptable forms of fiction are:
- Short stories: Any topic. Any genre. DICED fiction (very short stuff) is fine, but not preferred.
- Novel excerpts: Only if they stand alone - that is, the reader will not need any further explanation or description to understand what the hell you're talking about.
- Longer manuscripts: May be considered for online publication. That's may be. If you have something over 8,000 words, and you really want us to publish it on our site, please send an email with a shorter sample first and wait to see if we ask for more. Please don't just throw 20,000 words at us. You'll screw up our highly organizized syssystemem.
NON FICTION (commentaries, essays, book reviews):
While we do accept previously published non-fiction, currently we only pay for first serial rights ($4.20).
Please tell us if it has been published when you send it.
In addition to socio-political essays (see PAST ISSUES), we are looking to expand our "commentary" section beyond its present scope. We are now also soliciting:
- Book reviews: Yes, book reviews. We used to say we didn't want them. Now we do. We are a "Review" after all. Either fiction or non-fiction is fine, your choice; but we'd like to look at work a little bit outside of the mainstream - or a lot. We would also prefer that it be something published recently (i.e., within the last one year). These are not hard-and-fast rules, of course. The important thing here is that your thoughts on what you read go beyond an explication of like/dislike. Books are not there just to be read and reacted to, but to be thought about, chewed on, lived in, worked over, and built upon. We want not just your review of the book, but also your review of what the world looks like to you, after having read it. Did it inspire you? Did it move you to laughter at something you used to take seriously? Did your hatred for every page lead to new insights? A book review is itself an essay, a work of art with meaning unto itself. That's what we want, not fluff.
- Narrative & philosophical non-fiction: While we have thus far published mostly socio-political essays, and will continue to do so, we would like to expand into new territories. Our focus is still, in a loose sense, upon the admittedly frustrating vagaries of society, environmental degredation, and "the meaning" of it "all"; but this need not take the form of a journalistic or argumentative essay. We would love to read some insightful autobiography, or a bit of philosophical travel writing. If you've visited far-flung regions, met the unknown, found animal spirits in unexpected places, then we want to hear from you. If you have endured some utterly insane form of employment at the outer-edge of the economic fringe, we can't wait to read about it. Think Edward Abbey, Jack Kerouac, Studs Terkel, Barbara Ehrenreich. That's not to say you need to have accomplished the extraordinary. There is conflict and wonderment in daily life as well, and if you can show it to us, we want to see it. We want stories, as well as arguments. Of course, we're always happy with arguments. Go at it.
We thank you sincerely for your interest, and we look forward to reading your finest work.
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